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Visual Data Systems 20th Anniversary

Join Us in Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary
Innovation, Technology and Online Marketing Since 1993

In a letter written by Paul Herman, the Founder and CEO of Visual Data Systems announces a major milestone and teases the re-release of a popular product.

Dearest Friends,

It's hard to believe that 20 years have passed since I started Visual Data Systems. In the blink of an eye, I went from a Senior Software Engineer conducting Nuclear Power Plant simulations to an entrepreneur who felt certain the Internet would transform the vacation rental industry.

Paul HermanIn 1995, I shared my plan to put property inventories online with my dear departed friend, Stewart Couch and his team at Hatteras Realty. Shortly after, we moved the industry from a printed catalog (in some cases still black and white) to always-accurate online catalogs with real-time availability and booking.

I am grateful to all of you for your support and partnership over the last 20 years. Together we've weathered challenges and driven results that have surpassed my wildest expectations.

Over the next few months you will be hearing more about our remarkable journey and where we are headed (such as an exciting new iteration of GuestAdvantage™). I am often asked, "What's Next?". As the marketing landscape has become more complicated, we firmly believe that what's 'next' is helping you with strategy and tools to retain and maximize your guest and homeowner relationships.

We thank you for your continued trust on this journey and look forward to our continued partnership.

Paul Herman

Visual Data Systems

P.S. In a few short months, Visual Data Systems wil indeed be re-releasing the first and only guest retention and loyalty platform in the vacation rental community, GuestAdvantage™. If you'd like to join our pre-release network, sign up for updates here.

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