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Volume 1, Issue 1
November 2009

Holiday Message
Happy Holidays from Visual Data Systems

This document was created using linked text boxes, which allow articles to flow continuously across pages. For example, this article continues on page two, while the one to the right continues on page three. When you add lines of words to a text box, the words in the following text box flows forward. When you delete lines of words from a text box, the words in the next text box moves backward. You can link several text boxes in an article, and you can have multiple articles in a document. The links do not have to occur in a forward direction.

Meet the Team
Online Marketing:  SEO & Encore

If you’re like many other businesses or organizations with limited internal resources or time, you may need help. Visual Data Systems is that help. Let us consult with you on what you   need in Online Marketing and then get it done. 
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