Visual Data Systems (191) -- Testing (78)

Visual Data Systems   
684Number of Bedrooms:330271
  330346 and up
687Number of Bathrooms330351
  330403.5 or more
688Other Amenities:33041Garage
  33043Handicap Accessible
  33044Fenced Yard
  33045Water Oriented
  33046Historic Property
  33047New Construction
689Desired Neighborhoods:33048Battery Park
  33049Church Hill
  33050Church Hill - Historic
  33052Fan - Historic
698Which Test Segment33078A
704Which Test Market Segment33105A
770Have you rented with us before?33362Yes
771How many years have you been a customer?33364Please Answer
917Have you rented with us before?33918No
918Pirate's Cove has a large selection of rental homes and condos to meet any budget. What is your preferred price range for a 1 week stay?33921$3,001 - $5,000
  33920$1,000 - $3,000
  33919-select one-
  33923$8,001 +
  33922$5,001 - $8,000
2047Campaign Interaction:39598Opened Email
  39602Marked as SPAM
  39603Viewed as Website
  39810Edited Profile
  40787Read Privacy Policy
  42375Change of Address
  43338Viewed Mobile Version
  57941Blocked for content
  59679Updated Email Address
1923On Uploaded List:4480509/13/10 Client Only Webinar
  39055Towson Students
  42895Hot Leads for Black Friday
  3974501/09 blue tent
  3974401/09 blizzard
  3974601/09 intellistrand
  5008007/11/12 Res Exclude
  5920306/15 Realty World Exclude
2021Lead Source39488Request
3723Custom Queries:64989
7922Questions and Comments:64156
8272Please send me the current brochure65837CHECKED
8271Budget:65830-select one-
  65831Up to $150k
  65832$150k - $199k
  65833$200k - $399k
  65834$400k - $749k
  65835$750k - $999k
  65836$1m and above
8270Transaction Type:65823Primary Residence
  65824Rental Property
  65825Commercial Property
  65826Lots / Land
  65827Single Family Home
8269Time Frame:65816-select one-
  658180 - 5 months
  658196 - 11 months
  658201 - 2 years
  658212+ years
8268Current Agent's Name:65815
8267Interested in:65812Buying a Property / Land
  65813Selling a Property / Land
  65814Being added to the Real Estate Email List
8021Please describe the location of your property:64713
8022Property Type:64714-select one-
8023What is your property's best feature?64719
8024Has your home ever been in a vacation rental program?64720Yes, with:
8025Property Address:64722
8207How did you hear about us?65577Other
  65573Advertisement or physical mailing
  65576Social Media
  65575Blog post
  65572Word of mouth
  65571Google, Bing, or other search engine